It's been awhile without updates on this blog. I thought it was maybe dead in the water, and then realized it's MY blog. And I can fix this. I had been thinking I needed to delete this whole thing. That I'd shared too much personal information, been a little "too" human. Fear, fear, fear.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
I moved in, last month, to a new house with my best friend and soul mate. He energizes me when everyone and everything else exhausts me. We're on the same wavelength, which is something I almost never get to say. It's pretty fantastic.
Work has been amazing, I worry less, and since moving out of my parents' house, I am much calmer.
Avenue Q Revival has been playing at our local theatre and being part of the running crew has been fun and made me a couple new friends, but the magic of the first Ave Q is not really there. Because the magic has shifted to other areas of life, I suspect. It sure was a great first gig in Feb 2012 when I had no job, no partner, no place of my own. I wasn't even working out at that time. Time has let life exceed my wildest dreams! The only thing to do is keep going.